Extreme Tetrom

A Pico-8 falling-block puzzle game with an extremely high skill cap  by Kistaro, Nyeogmi, and Vanessa





Extreme Tetrom is based on some other falling-block puzzle games you might have heard of, whose names must not be spoken of for trademark reasons. Unlike most versions of this classic series, the speed and challenge of this game can reach extreme levels, intended to challenge even the most experienced players of the genre. Arika, Inc. pioneered this style of play with their TGM series; Extreme Tetrom owes a lot to TGM, but it is not a TGM clone; it is its own game, designed both to give less-experienced players an on-ramp to extreme-difficulty play and to provide new challenges for the very best players in the world.

Things To Watch Out For



If you own Pico-8, you're encouraged to write your own modes! You'll need to delete some existing modes to make room. Mode definition is largely declarative. Among other highlights, gravity is interpolated from CSV files represented as multiline string literals. Game speed aspects other than gravity, which are also stored as CSV, can change every section but not every level, and are not interpolated. 

To get started, you should probably look at init_game and the modes table to get a sense of what defines how the game operates. Feel free to ask questions in the comments about how the code works, I encourage mods and derivative works and I'll do my best to answer promptly!

Special Thanks

My co-developer, Nyeogmi, has their own games on Itch! Go check them out.

This game is based on PicoTetris 1.1, by Vanessa, a developer I have never met. Vanessa, thank you for sharing your game and allowing derivative work -- I hope I've done your excellent core engine justice. Your overall architecture should still be recognizable, although a lot of the details are casualties of cramming for tokens or optimizing for performance to reach a steady 60FPS.