From c15ec614941e9e7752f441addaacd44157036619 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kistaro Windrider <>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 12:32:31 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] partial prototype of object-oriented drawing and entry

 rearm_prototype.p8 | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+)

diff --git a/rearm_prototype.p8 b/rearm_prototype.p8
index 66ff364..1014209 100644
--- a/rearm_prototype.p8
+++ b/rearm_prototype.p8
@@ -4,6 +4,53 @@ __lua__
 -- vacuum gambit
 -- by kistaro windrider
+-- stdlib
+-- generate standard "overlay"
+-- constructor for type tt.
+-- if tt.init is defined, generated
+-- new calls tt.init(ret) after
+-- ret is definitely not nil,
+-- before calling setmetatable.
+-- use to initialize mutables.
+-- if there was a previous new,
+-- it is invoked on the new
+-- object *after* more, because
+-- this works better with the
+-- `more` impls i use.
+function mknew(tt)
+ local mt,oldnew,more = {__index=tt},,rawget(tt, "init")
+  if(not ret) ret = {}
+  if(more) more(ret)
+  if(oldnew) oldnew(ret)
+  setmetatable(ret, mt)
+  return ret
+ end
+ return tt
+function easeoutbounce(t)
+	local n1=7.5625
+	local d1=2.75
+	if (t<1/d1) then
+		return n1*t*t;
+	elseif(t<2/d1) then
+		t-=1.5/d1
+		return n1*t*t+.75;
+	elseif(t<2.5/d1) then
+		t-=2.25/d1
+		return n1*t*t+.9375;
+	else
+		t-=2.625/d1
+		return n1*t*t+.984375;
+	end
+-- entry points
 function _draw()
@@ -35,6 +82,9 @@ function draw_hud_placeholder()
+-- rearm pane drawing
 function glow_box(x0, y0, x1, y1, c, cf)
  rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, c[1])
  rect(x0+1, y0+1, x1-1, y1-1, c[2])
@@ -68,6 +118,51 @@ function draw_rearm(c)
  print("full ammo\nfull shield\n+50% health",54, 106, 6)
+-- rearm pane objects
+easing_pane = mknew{
+ -- to enter: pos = 1; to exit: pos = -1
+ -- runs for 16 frames
+function easing_pane:update()
+ local pos = self.pos
+ if (not pos or pos == 0) return
+ -- increment is 0x0.1 -- 1/16th of pos
+ if (pos < 0) pos = min(pos + 0x0.1, 0)
+ if pos > 0 then
+  pos -= 0x0.1
+  if (pos <= 0) pos = nil
+ end
+ self.pos = pos
+weapon_pane = mknew({
+ is_left = true,
+ s = 1,
+ hdr = "hull",
+ body = "\n  +1\n max\nhealth",
+ hot = function() return item == 1 end,
+function weapon_pane:draw()
+ local pos, frac, is_left = self.pos, 1, self.is_left
+ if (not pos) return
+ if (pos < 0) frac = easeoutbounce(1+pos)
+ if (pos > 0) frac = easeoutbounce(1-pos)
+ camera(
+  frac * (is_left and 55 or 0) + (1-frac) * (is_left and 0 or -56),
+  frac * 55)
+ glow_box(0,0,55,100,c,1)
+ spr(self.s,5, 5)
+ print(self.hdr, 13, 8, 7)
+ print(self.body, 5, 15, 6)
+ camera()
+rearm_pane = mknew({})