pico-8 cartridge // http://www.pico-8.com version 41 __lua__ -- vacuum gambit automatic brake test -- by kistaro windrider function usplit(str) return unpack(split(str)) end function csv(s) local ret = split(s, "\n") for i, v in ipairs(ret) do ret[i] = type(v) == "string" and split(v) or { v } end return ret end -- generate standard "overlay" -- constructor for type tt. -- if more is defined, generated -- new calls more(ret) after -- ret is definitely not nil -- before calling setmetatable. -- use to initialize mutables. -- -- if there was a previous new, -- it is invoked on the new -- object *after* more, because -- this works better with the -- `more` impls i use. function mknew(tt, more) local mt, oldnew = { __index = tt }, tt.new tt.new = function(ret) if (not ret) ret = {} if (more) more(ret) if (oldnew) oldnew(ret) setmetatable(ret, mt) return ret end end function _init() pal(1,129,1) the_ship = ship.new() constraints:setup() slomo = 1 sloc = 0 reroll() end function reroll() frames=0 sloc=0 the_ship:reroll() end function _update60() if (btnp(4)) reroll() if (btnp(5)) constraints:cycle() if (btnp(3)) slomo <<= 1 if (btnp(2)) slomo >>= 1 slomo = (slomo < 1) and 1 or (slomo > 8192) and 8192 or slomo sloc += 1 if sloc >= slomo then frames += 1 the_ship:update() sloc=0 end end function _draw() cls(1) constraints:draw() the_ship:draw() print("frames: " .. frames, 4, 64, 7) print("speed: 1/" .. slomo, 8, 70, 7) print("thrust: ".. actual_t, 4, 80, 7) meter(80, 80, 128, 84, actual_t/the_ship.thrust/2) print("dx: ".. the_ship.dx, 20, 86, 7) meter(80, 86, 128, 90, the_ship.dx/the_ship.maxspd/2) print("x: "..the_ship.x, 24, 92, 7) print("bx: "..gbx, 20, 98, 7) print("xmin:"..tostr(constraints.xmin), 12, 108, 7) print("xmax:"..tostr(constraints.xmax), 12, 114, 7) end function meter(x0, y0, x1, y1, frac) local c = 11 if frac < 0 then frac = -frac c = 8 end local range = x1-x0 local midpoint = x0 + (range/2) rectfill(x0, y0-1, x0, y1+1, 13) rectfill(midpoint, y0-1, midpoint, y1 + 1, 13) local width = range * frac if (width ~= 0) rectfill(x0, y0, x0 + width, y1, c) end -->8 -- ship ship = { maxspd=4, thrust=0.25, drag=0.0625, y=32, } mknew(ship) function ship:reroll() self.x=rnd(128) self.dx=rnd(2*self.maxspd)-self.maxspd end function ship:draw() if self.x < -7 then spr(2, 0, self.y-7) spr(2, 0, self.y+8) elseif self.x > 127 then spr(2, 120, self.y-7, 1, 1, true) spr(2, 120, self.y+8, 1, 1, true) else spr(1,self.x,self.y) end --if (self.dx == 0) return local bd, f = brake_dist(self.dx, self.thrust + self.drag) gbx = self.x+bd spr(3, gbx-2,self.y-2) print(tostr(f), gbx-2, self.y - 8, 14) end function calc_velocity(v0, t, vmax, drag) v0 = mid(v0 + t, vmax, -vmax) return v0 - mid(drag, -drag, v0) end function ship:update() local t = btn(0) and -1 or btn(1) and 1 or 0 t *= self.thrust t = constraints:constrain(self, t) -- t = constraints:constrain(self, t) -- t = constraints:constrain(self, t) local s = calc_velocity(self.dx, t, self.maxspd, self.drag) self.x += s self.dx = s actual_t = t end -->8 -- constraints constraints = { ymin=20, ymax=52, color=10 } function constraints:constrain(s, want) self.color=10 if (not self.xmin) return want -- bmx: brake max local v1, bmx = calc_velocity(s.dx, want, s.maxspd, s.drag), s.thrust + s.drag local bd, bf = brake_dist(v1, bmx) local bx, txm = s.x + bd + v1, self.xmax if bx < self.xmin then -- predicted brake point left -- of xmin; apply max reverse -- thrust, treat xmin as our -- max target, and handle -- overbraking by coalescing -- with past +xmax case self.color = 9 want = s.thrust txm = self.xmin v1 = calc_velocity(s.dx, want, s.maxspd, s.drag) bd, bf = brake_dist(v1, bmx) bx = bd + s.x + v1 end if (bx <= txm) return want self.color = 8 local overage = bx - txm want -= overage/max(bf,1) if (want < -s.thrust) want = -s.thrust return want end function brake_dist(v0, brake_max) local tri_frames = abs(v0\brake_max) local chunks = tri_frames * (tri_frames - 1) >> 1 local chunk_zone = chunks * brake_max local overage = abs(v0) - tri_frames * brake_max return (chunk_zone + overage * (tri_frames + 1)) * sgn(v0), (overage > 0) and tri_frames + 1 or tri_frames end function constraints:cycle() if self.ctype=="bounds" then self.ctype="point" elseif self.ctype=="point" then self.ctype="off" else self.ctype="bounds" end self:setup() end function constraints:setup() if self.ctype=="point" then self.xmin = 64 self.xmax = 64 elseif self.ctype=="bounds" then self.xmin = 32 self.xmax = 96 else self.xmin = nil self.xmax = nil end end function constraints:draw() if (not self.xmin) return rect(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax, self.color) end -->8 -- fx -- todo: spark ring buffer __gfx__ 000000008000000000080000a000a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000006666000080000009090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000067777600800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000675555758008888009090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000006750007508000000a000a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000067777500080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000005555000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000