pico-8 cartridge // http://www.pico-8.com version 41 __lua__ -- vacation (18+) -- kistaro windrider -------------------------------- -- copyright (C) 2024 kistaro windrider -- -- this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by -- the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of -- merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the -- gnu general public license for more details. -------------------------------- -- addtional credits -- dogica font by roberto mocci -- https://www.dafont.com/es/dogica.font -- -- converted by josれた aular -- https://jaular.itch.io/pico-8-dogica-font -- tab 0: library -- tab 1: p8 entry points -- tabs 2...F: actual code function usplit(str) return unpack(split(str)) end function csv(s) local ret = split(s, "\n") for i, v in ipairs(ret) do ret[i] = type(v) == "string" and split(v) or { v } end return ret end -- generate standard "overlay" -- constructor for type tt. -- if more is defined, generated -- new calls more(ret) after -- ret is definitely not nil -- before calling setmetatable. -- use to initialize mutables. -- -- if there was a previous new, -- it is invoked on the new -- object *after* more, because -- this works better with the -- `more` impls i use. function mknew(tt, more) local mt, oldnew={__index=tt},tt.new tt.new=function(ret) if (not ret) ret = {} if (more) more(ret) if (oldnew) oldnew(ret) setmetatable(ret, mt) return ret end end event_list = {is_event_list=true} mknew(event_list, function(x) x.next=nil x.tail=x end) function event_list:push_back(x) self.tail.next = x self.tail = x end function event_list:update() local p, n = self, self.next while n do if n:update() then p.next = n.next else p = n end n = n.next end self.tail = p return p end function event_list:draw() local n = self.next while n do n:draw() n = n.next end end -- if t[mname] is a thing, -- invoke it as a method. else, -- try each object in t function outer_or_each_opt(t, mname) local fun = t[mname] if fun then fun(t) return end foreach(t, function(o) local f = o[mname] if(f) f(o) end) end -- puke emits a verbose string -- describing item, indented to -- the specified depth (0 by -- default). used for table -- debugging. table-type keys -- are not legible here function puke(item, indent, seen, hidekey) if (type(item) ~= "table") return tostr(item) seen = seen or {} if (seen[item]) return "<<...>>" seen[item] = true indent = indent or 0 local pfx = "\n" for _=1,indent do pfx ..= " " end local xpfx = pfx.." " if item.is_event_list then local ret,n = "event_list <",0 item:strip(function(x) n += 1 ret ..= xpfx..tostr(n)..": "..puke(x, indent+2, seen, "next") end) return ret..pfx..">" end local ret = "{" for k, v in pairs(item) do if (k ~= hidekey) ret ..= xpfx..tostr(k)..": "..puke(v, indent+2, seen) end return ret..pfx.."}" end -- convenience for debugging function puketh(item, ...) printh(puke(item), ...) end function pukeboard(item) puketh(item, "@clip") end ------------------------------- -- view ------------------------------- -- composits drawable items. -- add items to .views to -- composit them. x and y are -- relative reverse camera -- offsets. drawable items will -- observe appropriate incoming -- camera and clip state. -- clipping respects existing -- clipping so stacked views -- intersect. ------------------------------- view = { x=0, y=0, w=128, h=128, } mknew(view, function(x) if (not x.views) x.views = {} end) function view.of(subviews) return view.new{views=subviews} end function view:update() outer_or_each_opt(self.views, "update") end function view:draw() local oldcam, oldclip = $0x5f28, $0x5f20 poke2(0x5f28, %0x5f28-self.x) poke2(0x5f2a, %0x5f2a-self.y) clip(-%0x5f28, -%0x5f2a, self.w, self.h, true) outer_or_each_opt(self.views, "draw") poke4(0x5f20, oldclip) poke4(0x5f28, oldcam) end -- draws opaque rectangles. -- default bg is equivalent to -- clip-aware cls. -- restores prior fill pattern. bg = { x=0,y=0,w=128,h=128,fp=0,c=0 } mknew(bg) function bg:draw() local oldfp=fillp(self.fp) rectfill(self.x,self.y,self.x+self.w,self.y+self.h,self.c) fillp(oldfp) end -->8 -- setup and p8 entry points function _init() -- custom font: dogica poke(0x5600,unpack(split"6,8,9,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,69,16,32,81,85,0,117,116,0,0,0,0,0,84,22,6,2,0,0,0,96,6,38,0,0,7,7,16,112,87,80,16,5,0,1,0,112,7,39,0,0,0,0,32,0,112,116,1,0,0,96,102,96,0,96,96,0,96,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,10,10,5,0,0,0,0,0,18,63,18,18,63,18,0,0,14,21,5,14,20,21,14,34,21,21,10,40,84,84,34,6,9,9,6,41,17,46,0,0,2,2,1,0,0,0,0,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,0,1,2,2,2,2,2,1,0,0,4,21,10,21,4,0,0,0,4,4,31,4,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,1,0,0,0,0,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,8,8,4,4,2,2,1,1,14,17,21,21,21,17,14,0,4,7,4,4,4,4,31,0,14,17,16,8,4,2,31,0,15,16,16,14,16,16,15,0,8,12,10,9,31,8,8,0,31,1,15,16,16,17,14,0,14,17,1,15,17,17,14,0,31,17,16,8,4,2,2,0,14,17,17,14,17,17,14,0,14,17,17,30,16,8,6,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,2,2,1,0,4,2,1,2,4,0,0,0,0,63,0,63,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,2,1,0,0,14,17,16,12,2,0,4,0,30,33,45,41,29,65,62,0,0,14,16,30,17,17,30,0,1,1,15,17,17,17,15,0,0,14,17,1,1,1,30,0,16,16,30,17,17,17,30,0,0,14,17,31,1,1,30,0,28,2,2,15,2,2,2,0,0,30,17,17,17,30,16,14,1,1,13,19,17,17,17,0,2,0,3,2,2,2,7,0,0,7,2,2,2,2,2,1,0,17,9,5,7,9,17,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,6,0,0,54,73,73,73,73,73,0,0,12,19,17,17,17,17,0,0,14,17,17,17,17,14,0,0,15,17,17,17,15,1,1,0,30,17,17,17,30,16,16,0,13,3,1,1,1,1,0,0,14,1,14,16,17,14,0,1,1,15,1,1,1,14,0,0,17,17,17,17,25,22,0,0,17,17,17,10,10,4,0,0,32,37,37,37,37,26,0,0,17,10,4,4,10,17,0,0,0,9,9,9,6,4,3,0,15,8,4,2,1,15,0,3,1,1,1,1,1,3,0,1,1,2,2,4,4,8,8,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,0,4,10,17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,63,0,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,14,17,17,17,31,17,17,0,15,17,17,15,17,17,15,0,14,17,1,1,1,17,14,0,31,34,34,34,34,34,30,0,31,1,1,15,1,1,31,0,31,1,1,15,1,1,1,0,30,1,1,25,17,17,30,0,17,17,17,31,17,17,17,0,7,2,2,2,2,2,7,0,15,4,4,4,4,4,3,0,17,9,5,7,9,9,17,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,15,0,33,33,51,45,33,33,33,0,17,19,21,25,17,17,17,0,14,17,17,17,17,17,14,0,15,17,17,15,1,1,1,0,14,17,17,17,21,9,22,0,15,17,17,15,9,17,17,0,14,17,1,14,16,17,14,0,31,4,4,4,4,4,4,0,17,17,17,17,17,17,14,0,17,17,17,17,10,10,4,0,65,65,73,73,73,85,34,0,17,17,10,4,10,17,17,0,17,17,17,10,4,4,4,0,31,16,8,4,2,1,31,0,4,10,2,1,1,2,10,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,5,4,8,8,4,5,2,0,0,0,38,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,127,127,127,127,0,0,0,85,42,85,42,85,0,0,0,65,127,93,93,62,0,0,0,62,99,99,119,62,0,0,0,17,68,17,68,17,0,0,0,2,30,14,15,8,0,0,0,14,23,31,31,14,0,0,0,27,31,31,14,4,0,0,0,28,54,119,54,28,0,0,0,14,14,31,14,10,0,0,0,28,62,127,42,58,0,0,0,62,103,99,103,62,0,0,0,127,93,127,65,127,0,0,0,28,4,4,7,7,0,0,0,62,99,107,99,62,0,0,0,4,14,31,14,4,0,0,0,0,0,85,0,0,0,0,0,62,115,99,115,62,0,0,0,8,28,127,62,34,0,0,0,31,14,4,14,31,0,0,0,62,119,99,99,62,0,0,0,0,5,82,32,0,0,0,0,0,17,42,68,0,0,0,0,62,107,119,107,62,0,0,0,127,0,127,0,127,0,0,0,85,85,85,85,85,0")) -- to use custom fonts, poke(0x5f58, 0x81) -- disable btnp repeat -- TODO: set back to 30 frames -- outside of game mode poke(0x5f5c, 255) mainview = newtitle() end function _update60() mainview:update() end function _draw() mainview:draw() end -->8 -- text rendering -- text colors for zonk mode: -- 8 -- standard -- 9 -- delayed fade -- 10 -- currently fading in txtbox = { x=0, y=0, text="???", col=8, mode=0x81, } mknew(txtbox) function txtbox:update() end function txtbox:draw() poke(0x5f58, self.mode) print(self.text, self.x, self.y, self.col) end function txtbox:xmax() return print(self.text, self.x, -9999) end spring = { from = 128, to = 0, frames=120, f = 0, } mknew(spring) function spring:update() local v = self.v self.v:update() if self.f >= self.frames then v.y=self.to return true end local t, range = self.f/self.frames, self.to - self.from v.y = self.to-range*(2^(-10*t)*cos(2*t)) self.f += 1 end function spring:draw() self.v:draw() end scoot = { from=0, to=-128, frames=60, f=0, } mknew(scoot) function scoot:update() local v = self.v self.v:update() if self.f >= self.frames then v.y=self.to return true end self.f += 1 if self.f < 0 then v.y=self.from return end local t, range = self.f/self.frames, self.to - self.from v.y = self.from + range * t * t * t end function scoot:draw() self.v:draw() end scootbox = {} mknew(scootbox, function(x) x.v = view.new() x.s = scoot.new{ from=x.from or scoot.from, to=x.to or scoot.to, frames=x.frames or scoot.frames, v=x.v } end) function scootbox:update() if self.go then self.s:update() else self.v:update() end end function scootbox:push(drawable) add(self.v.views, drawable) end function scootbox:done() return self.s.f >= self.s.frames end function scootbox:draw() return self.v:draw() end -->8 -- sprite rendering -->8 -- consent screens -->8 -- title screen -- currently just loading -- whatever view I want to debug function newtitle() return arcade_level.new() end -->8 -- zonk mode -->8 -- awakener -->8 -- arcade mode -- palette use: -- 0: shallow sea blue (1) -- 1: black (for sprites) -- 2: dolphin shading -- 3: azure water, maybe score display? (140) -- 4, 5, 6: unassigned, layer-specific -- 7: dolphin highlights -- 8, 9: unassigned, layer specific -- 10: word primary (yellow 10?) -- 11: word shadow (wood 132?) -- 12: dolphin eye -- 13: light splashy water (12), maybe sky? -- 14: dolphin primary color -- 15: highlight white (all layers) -- -- dolphin colors are different -- between zones; correlated. -- wave, text, and black colors -- are the same between zones. -- other colors are for -- elements that only ever -- appear in one zone. -- -- TODO: consider changing sky -- colors in different stages; -- document what colors those -- are (nrm_pal) if so. game_nrm_pal = { [0] = 1, 0, 2, 140, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 132, 12, 12, 14, 7 } game_uw_pal = { [0]=1, 0, 130, 140, 4, 5, 6, 13, 8, 9, 10, 132, 131, 12, 141, 7 } function setup_arcade_pal() -- per-line color mode poke(0x5f5f, 0x10) -- rows 72 and lower: sea memset(0x5f79,0xff,7) pal() pal(game_nrm_pal, 1) pal(game_uw_pal, 2) end -- global wave amplitude clock -- wave per 2 seconds -- optional toff: offset. at -- toff==0 draw directly under -- the dolphin function wave(toff) toff = toff or 0 return 2.5 * sin((t()+toff)>>1) end sea = {} mknew(sea) function sea:draw() local w = wave() rectfill(0, 72+w, 128, 84, 0) poke2(0x5f78, 0xFF00.00FF <<> w) end arcade_level = { score=0, maxscore=15, } mknew(arcade_level, function(x) x.phin = toyphin.new{splasher=x} -- TODO: decent looking sky and sea x.sky = bg.new{c=13} x.sea = sea.new() -- event list includes words x.e = event_list.new() -- TODO: score renderer x.t0 = t() x.v = view.of{ x.sky, x.sea, x.waves, x.phin, x.e, } x.s = scootbox.new() x.s:push(x.v) -- TODO: fade in level music end) function arcade_level:update() -- TODO: timers, word loop, -- level state tracking and -- progression, etc. self.s:update() end function arcade_level:draw() setup_arcade_pal() self.s:draw() end function arcade_level:dive_splash(x) -- TODO: sfx, vfx for dive input end function arcade_level:jump_splash(x) -- TODO: sfx, vfx for jump input end function arcade_level:surfacing_splash(x, force, harder) -- TODO: sfx, vfx for surfacing from a dive end function arcade_level:landing_splash(x, force, harder) -- TODO: sfx, vfx for landing from a jump end phinstate_nrm = { s={4, 36, 4, 9}, ws=3, hs=2, idle=true, xo=-12, yo=-8, } phinstate_jump_full = { s={7}, ws=2, hs=3, xo=-4, yo=-8, } phinstate_jump_wane = { s={1}, ws=3, hs=3, xo=-12, yo=-8, } phinstate_crest = { s={4}, ws=3, hs=2, xo=-12, yo=-8, } phinstate_fall_wax = phinstate_jump_wane phinstate_fall_full = phinstate_jump_full phinstate_dive_full = { s={7}, ws=2, hs=3, xo=-4, yo=-16, } phinstate_dive_wane = { s={1}, ws=3, hs=3, xo=-12, yo=-16, } phinstate_return = { s={4}, ws=3, hs=2, xo=-12, yo=-8, } phinstate_rise_wax = phinstate_dive_wane phinstate_rise_full = phinstate_dive_full phinstate_error = { s={17}, ws=1, hs=2, } -- coordinates are the notional -- center point of the dolphin. -- many states are off-center. toyphin = { x=-12, y=64, dy=0, state=phinstate_nrm } mknew(toyphin) function toyphin:update() local x, y, dy, splash = self.x, self.y, self.dy, self.splasher -- entry mode? if not self.entered then x += 1 self.entered = x >= 16 elseif self.exiting then if x > 128 then self.exited = true else x += 1 end end -- button handling if self.entered and not self.exiting then if y >= 61 and y <= 67 and dy < 1 and dy > -1 then if (btn(2)) then splash:jump_splash(x) dy=-3.8 elseif (btn(3)) then splash:dive_splash(x) dy=3.8 end else dy += (btn(3) and 0.125 or 0) - (btn(2) and 0.125 or 0) end end if (y > 64) dy -= 0.3 if (y < 64) dy += 0.3 local new_y = y + dy if new_y <= 64 and y > 64 then -- surfacing splash:surfacing_splash(x, -dy, btn(2) and (dy > -3.8)) if btn(2) then -- maybe boost if dy > -3.8 then new_y = 64 + ((dy + y - 64)/dy * -3.8) dy = -3.8 else dy = (dy - 7.6) / 3 end else -- brake if dy > -1 then --stabilize new_y = 64 dy = 0 else dy /= 2 end end elseif new_y >= 64 and y < 64 then -- landing splash:landing_splash(x, dy, btn(3) and (dy < 3.8)) if btn(3) then -- maybe boost if dy < 3.8 then new_y = 64 - ((dy - y + 64)/dy * 3.8) dy = 3.8 else dy = (7.6 + dy) / 3 end else --brake if dy < 1 then --stabilize new_y = 64 dy = 0 else dy /= 2 end end end y=new_y local wet, st = y > 64, phinstate_error if dy < -2.5 then st = wet and phinstate_rise_full or phinstate_jump_full elseif dy <= -1.5 then st = wet and phinstate_rise_wax or phinstate_jump_wane elseif dy < 1.5 then -- handle idle special case later st = wet and phinstate_return or phinstate_crest elseif dy <= 2.5 then st = wet and phinstate_dive_wane or phinstate_fall_wax else st = wet and phinstate_dive_full or phinstate_fall_full end if (y == 64 and dy == 0) st = phinstate_nrm -- test mode --if (btn(5)) self.exiting = true self.x, self.y, self.dy, self.state = x, y, dy, st end -- hitbox for current state function toyphin:box() local st = self.state return self.x + st.xo, self.y + st.yo, st.ws * 8, st.hs * 8 end function toyphin:draw() local st, y = self.state, self.y if (st.idle) y += wave() spr(st.s[1+(((t()<<1)&0x0.FFFF*#st.s)&0x7FFF)], self.x + st.xo, y + st.yo, self.state.ws, self.state.hs) end -->8 -- game sequencer __gfx__ 00000000777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777700000000000000000000000000000000 00000000700000000000000000000007700000000000000000000007700000000000000770000000000000000000000700000000000000000000000000000000 00700700700000000000000000000007700000000000000000000007700002222220000770000000000000000000000700000000000000000000000000000000 00077000700000000000000000000007700000000000000000000007700002eeee20000770000000000000000000000700000000000000000000000000000000 0007700070000000000000000000000770000000000000000000000770000222e220000770222200000000000000000700000000000000000000000000000000 00700700700000000000000000000007702222022222222222222207700002eeee200007702ee222222222222222220700000000000000000000000000000000 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