import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:dartterm/algorithms/geometry.dart' as geo; class Region { final geo.Rect rect; final Set<(int, int)> points; bool get isRectangle => points.length == rect.dx * rect.dy; Region(this.rect, this.points); static Region fromNonEmptySet(Set<(int, int)> s) { assert(s.isNotEmpty); int xMin = => xy.$1).reduce(math.min); int yMin = => xy.$2).reduce(math.min); int xMax = => xy.$1).reduce(math.max); int yMax = => xy.$2).reduce(math.max); var rect = geo.Rect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin + 1, yMax - yMin + 1); return Region(rect, s); } @override String toString() { return "Region($rect, $points)"; } } List regionalize(geo.Rect rect, bool Function(int, int) isAccessible) { int nextRegion = 0; Map<(int, int), int> regions = {}; int floodfill(int x, int y) { int workDone = 0; if (!rect.containsPoint(geo.Offset(x, y))) { return workDone; } if (regions[(x, y)] != null) { return workDone; } if (!isAccessible(x, y)) { return workDone; } regions[(x, y)] = nextRegion; workDone += 1; workDone += floodfill(x - 1, y); workDone += floodfill(x + 1, y); workDone += floodfill(x, y - 1); workDone += floodfill(x, y + 1); return workDone; } // TODO: This can be done more efficiently with a union/find data structure // But this is an easy implementation to understand for (var y = rect.y0; y < rect.y1; y++) { for (var x = rect.x0; x < rect.x1; x++) { if (regions[(x, y)] == null) { if (floodfill(x, y) > 0) { nextRegion += 1; } } } } return _toExplicit(regions, nextRegion); } List _toExplicit(Map<(int, int), int> pointRegions, int nRegions) { List> regionPoints = [for (var i = 0; i < nRegions; i++) {}]; for (var MapEntry(key: (x, y), value: id_) in pointRegions.entries) { regionPoints[id_].add((x, y)); } return [for (var s in regionPoints) Region.fromNonEmptySet(s)]; }