import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:dartterm/algorithms/geometry.dart' as geo; import 'package:dartterm/algorithms/regionalize.dart'; import 'package:dartterm/bitmap.dart'; import 'package:dartterm/skreek.dart'; part 'direction.dart'; part 'direction_set.dart'; part 'orientation.dart'; part 'requirement.dart'; part 'vault.dart'; part 'vaults.dart'; const vaultTries = 10; class Generator { final math.Random _random; final Vaults _vaults; List _queue = []; Generator(this._random, this._vaults); Vault generate(Requirement requirement, bool canBeVault) { if (canBeVault) { Vault? suggested = _suggest(vaultTries, requirement); if (suggested != null) { return _fillMetaRegions(requirement, suggested); } } // First of all: randomize orientation // This way we only have to consider one kind of spilt var orientation = randomOrientation(_random); // Try to make vx the long axis if possible var req2 = unReorientRequirement(requirement, orientation); if (req2.vyMax > (req2.vxMax - 2) * 3 / 2) { orientation = (orientation + 2) % 8; // rotate once more } // if only one of "left" and "right" needs to be smooth, prioritize right // as left is generated first req2 = unReorientRequirement(requirement, orientation); if (req2.smooth.directions.contains(Direction.left) && req2.smooth.directions.contains(Direction.right)) { orientation = (orientation + 4) % 8; } req2 = unReorientRequirement(requirement, orientation); var out2 = _generate(req2); var out1 = reorientVault(out2, orientation); // log("$orientation ${requirement.vx} ${requirement.vy} ${req2.vx} ${req2.vy} ${out2.vx} ${out2.vy} ${out1.vx} ${out1.vy}"); var geo.Size(:dx, :dy) = out1.size; assert(dx >= requirement.vxMin && dx <= requirement.vxMax); assert(dy >= requirement.vyMin && dy <= requirement.vyMax); assert(out1.smooth.directions.containsAll(requirement.smooth.directions)); return out1; } Vault _generate(Requirement req) { var vxMin = req.vxMin; var vyMin = req.vyMin; var vxMax = req.vxMax; var vyMax = req.vyMax; var smoothUp = req.smooth.directions.contains(Direction.up); var smoothDown = req.smooth.directions.contains(Direction.down); var smoothUpDown = smoothUp && smoothDown; // var vxRand = _random.nextInt(vxMax - vxMin) + vxMin; var vyRand = _random.nextInt(vyMax + 1 - vyMin) + vyMin; if (vxMax < 2 || vyMax < 2) { return Vault.blank(vxMax, vyRand, VaultTile.wall, req.smooth); } else if (vxMax < 9 || (vxMax - 2) * (vyMax - 2) < 12) { var v2 = Vault.blank( vxMax - 2, vyMax - 2, VaultTile.bspfloor, req.smooth.clone()); var v = Vault.blank(vxMax, vyMax, VaultTile.wall, req.smooth.clone()); v.blitFrom(v2, 1, 1); return v; } else { var leftReq = Requirement( math.max(vxMin - 4, 2), vxMax - 4, vyMin, vyMax, req.smooth.clone()); leftReq.smooth.directions.add(Direction.right); var leftChild = generate(leftReq, true); var vyMinRight = vyMin; var vyMaxRight = vyMax; if (smoothUpDown) { vyMaxRight = vyMinRight = leftChild.size.dy; } var rightReq = Requirement( vxMin - (leftChild.vx - 1), vxMax - (leftChild.vx - 1), vyMinRight, vyMaxRight, req.smooth.clone(), ); rightReq.smooth.directions.add(Direction.left); var rightChild = generate(rightReq, true); var vxTotal = leftChild.vx + rightChild.vx - 1; var vyTotal = math.max(leftChild.vy, rightChild.vy); if (smoothUp) { var v = Vault.blank(vxTotal, vyTotal, VaultTile.wall, req.smooth.clone()); v.blitFrom(leftChild, 0, 0); v.blitFrom(rightChild, leftChild.vx - 1, 0); return v; } if (smoothDown) { var v = Vault.blank(vxTotal, vyTotal, VaultTile.wall, req.smooth.clone()); v.blitFrom(leftChild, 0, vyTotal - leftChild.vy); v.blitFrom(rightChild, leftChild.vx - 1, vyTotal - rightChild.vy); return v; } // no smoothing reqs // min: ensure some overlap var vyTMax = math.min(vyMax, leftChild.vy + rightChild.vy - 3); if (vyTMax > vyTotal) { vyTotal += _random.nextInt(vyTMax - vyTotal); } var v = Vault.blank(vxTotal, vyTotal, VaultTile.wall, req.smooth.clone()); if (_random.nextBool()) { v.blitFrom(leftChild, 0, 0); v.blitFrom(rightChild, leftChild.vx - 1, vyTotal - rightChild.vy); } else { v.blitFrom(leftChild, 0, vyTotal - leftChild.vy); v.blitFrom(rightChild, leftChild.vx - 1, 0); } return v; } } Vault? _suggest(int tries, Requirement req) { for (var i = 0; i < tries; i++) { var sugg = _popSuggestion(); if (sugg == null) { return null; } sugg = reorientVault(sugg, randomOrientation(_random)); sugg = _tidy(sugg, req); if (sugg != null) { return sugg; } } return null; } Vault? _popSuggestion() { if (_queue.isEmpty) { _queue = _vaults.randomFlight(_random); } if (_queue.isEmpty) { return null; } return _queue.removeLast(); } Vault? _tidy(Vault vault, Requirement req) { if (vault.vx > req.vxMax || vault.vy > req.vyMax) { return null; } if (vault.vx < req.vxMin || vault.vy < req.vyMin) { return null; } if (!vault.smooth.directions.containsAll(req.smooth.directions)) { return null; } // NOTE: If the vault has metaBSP regions, and they touch the outer edge, then it should be possible // to extend those regions // Extending a metaBSP region results in _two_ metaBSP regions: // a big version of the original, and a second one covering all the space left over // in the set of rows or columns the metabsp region did not touch // // Ex: // XXXX## // XXXX # // XXXX # // # # // ###### // // becomes // // XXXZYY // XXXZYY // XXXZYY // XXXX## // XXXX # // XXXX # // # # // ###### // // (where the Zs are spaces that Xs and Ys both touch) // // Extension can happen more than once, on each axis: // // XXXXXZYY // XXXXXZYY // XXXXXZYY // XXXXXX## // XXXXXX # // BBXXXX # // AA# # // AA###### // return vault; } Vault _fillMetaRegions(Requirement requirement, Vault vault) { var geo.Size(:dx, :dy) = vault.size; var metaregions = regionalize(geo.Rect(0, 0, dx, dy), (x, y) => vault.tiles.get(x, y) == VaultTile.meta0); for (var i in metaregions) { assert(i.isRectangle); var sz = i.rect.size; // TODO: Relax these based on our environs -- for instance, if one of our sides doesn't need to be smooth, that metaregion doesn't either var metaRequirement = Requirement( sz.dx, sz.dx, sz.dy, sz.dy, DirectionSet( {Direction.up, Direction.left, Direction.down, Direction.right})); var inner = generate(metaRequirement, true); var dest = Vault(Bitmap.blank(vault.vx, vault.vy, VaultTile.wall), vault.smooth.clone()); dest.blitFrom(vault, 0, 0); dest.blitFrom(inner, i.rect.x0, i.rect.y0); vault = dest; } return vault; } }