state_content_warning=klass() function state_content_warning:init(prior_menu) self.prior_menu=prior_menu self.frame=0 self.frames=4 self.progress=0 end function state_content_warning:enter() music_manager:allow(false) end function state_content_warning:exit(new_top) music_manager:allow(true) end function state_content_warning:reenter() end function state_content_warning:suspend() end function state_content_warning:update() for i=0,6 do if (btnp(i)) self.done=true end end function state_content_warning:draw() cls(0) print([[ raven's rood explores post- colonial subject matter, including violent conflict leading to genocide. these themes are artistically essential and inseparable from the overall content of the game. we understand all games are not suitable for every individual. we hope you enjoy our game despite the bleak nature of its subject matter. once you continue, the tutorial will begin, and you will not encounter this message again. ]],2,2,6) print("🅾️ continue",2,121,15) end