liturgy={ holy_book=gsv[[rood 1`1,2 rood 2`3,4,5,6 rood 3`7,8,9,10]], sacred_text_lines=gsv [[1`come into this thicket. 1`i, o man, have a bright wreath. 1`my laurel is vibrant. 2`the hollow of a stone. 2`this, too, opens to the key. 2`the tone of music delights me. 2`the daisies. 3`whose angel is black like fish 3`is scarred like fish too. 3`i know the elk's bite. 4`a log does not eat. 4`nor does it suffer. 4`why write? why sing? 4`why answer for it? 5`a wolf that comes when called 5`is sheared of its fur. 5`distolerate sweet things. 6`they are a regiment. 6`gather them. 6`bury their warglaives. 6`burn their holy book. 6`plant them like seeds. 7`driftwood in a wash. 7`the water is speaking. 7`the bark is for beavers. 7`the twigs are for you. 8`the stormwater drowns an ox. 8`go to the canopy. 8`fire arrows down 9`catching a leaf, ride it. 9`suture its veins. 9`scatter glass in the vineyard. 10`one day, the seas will boil. 10`no one will be born again.]] } function liturgy:init() local verse_lines={} for line in all(self.sacred_text_lines) do local verse=tonum(line[1]) if (not verse_lines[verse]) verse_lines[verse]={} add(verse_lines[verse], line[2]) end local annotated_verses={} for bookdata in all(self.holy_book) do local name=bookdata[1] local ix=1 for verse in all(split(bookdata[2])) do local annotated_verse_name=name local lines=verse_lines[verse] annotated_verse_name..=":"..ix.."-" ix+=#lines annotated_verse_name..=ix local annotated_verse="" for l in all(lines) do if (annotated_verse!="") annotated_verse..="\n" annotated_verse..=l end annotated_verses[verse]={annotated_verse_name,annotated_verse} end end self.annotated_verses=annotated_verses end liturgy:init() function liturgy:suggest_verse(ruleset,card) local[card] local i=2+meta.rank if (meta.suit!="a") i=ruleset.preferred_verse or i return i, unpack(liturgy.annotated_verses[i]) end