Kistaro Windrider 99e372a4db
Fix it
Pointer vs. value receivers are... interesting.
2023-04-04 11:37:02 -07:00

402 lines
9.3 KiB

package cardsim
import (
// A StatsCollection contains stats.
type StatsCollection interface {
// Stats returns all the stats in this collection. It's okay for
// these to be copies rather than pointers. BasicStatsPanel presents
// stats to the player in this order. It's okay for this list to
// contain nil entries; these are interpreted as line breaks,
// section breaks, etc.
Stats() []Stat
// A Stat is some value that can be printed as part of player status.
// It may not be an actual stored value -- it might only be calculated.
type Stat interface {
// StatName returns the name of this stat, as displayed to the player.
StatName() string
// String prints the value of the stat.
String() string // compatible with fmt.Stringer
// Visible returns whether this stat should be displayed to the player
// during regular gameplay. (Invisible stats are important for debugging.)
Visible() bool
// Stored is a generic Stat implementation that stores a stat value and name.
// It's visible to the player.
type Stored[T any] struct {
// Display name of this Stat.
Name string
// Value of this Stat. Can be overwritten.
Value T
// Statname implements Stat.
func (s Stored[T]) StatName() string {
return s.Name
// String implements Stat and fmt.Stringer.
func (s Stored[T]) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(s.Value)
// Visible implements Stat.
func (Stored[T]) Visible() bool {
return true
// Invisible is a generic Stat implementation that stores a stat value and name.
// It's not visible to the player.
type Invisible[T any] struct {
// Display name of this Stat.
Name string
// Value of this Stat. Can be overwritten.
Value T
// Statname implements Stat.
func (i Invisible[T]) StatName() string {
return i.Name
// String implements Stat and fmt.Stringer.
func (i Invisible[T]) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(i.Value)
// Visible implements Stat.
func (Invisible[T]) Visible() bool {
return false
// StatFunc names a function as a stat visible to the player.
func StatFunc[T any](name string, f func() T) Stat {
return statFunc[T]{
f: f,
name: name,
visible: true,
// InvisibleStatFunc names a function as a stat not visible to the player.
func InvisibleStatFunc[T any](name string, f func() T) Stat {
return statFunc[T]{
f: f,
name: name,
visible: false,
// statFunc wraps a function as a stat.
type statFunc[T any] struct {
f func() T
name string
visible bool
func (s statFunc[T]) StatName() string {
func (s statFunc[T]) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(s.f())
func (s statFunc[T]) Visible() bool {
return s.visible
// ExtractStats pulls all exported stats out of a struct. It puts methods before
// fields. If the calculated name of a method conflicts with the calculated
// name of a stat from a field, the method wins.
// A field is a stat if it is of some Stat type or is tagged with `cardsim:"stat"`,
// `cardsim:"hidden"` (invisible stat), `cardsim:"round2"` (or any integer, 2 is
// just an example), or `cardsim:"hiddenround3"`. `hiddenstat`, `statround`, and
// `hiddenstatround` are also accepted, but other orders of these directives
// are not. A "round" stat must be a float type and it will be rounded to
// this number of decimal places.
// A method is a Stat if it takes 0 arguments, returns exactly 1 value, and
// starts with Stat or HiddenStat.
// The name of these inferred stats is calculated by breaking the name into
// separate words before each capital letter, unless there are consecutive
// capital letters, which it interprets as an initialism (followed by the
// start of another word, if it's not at the end). To insert a space between
// consecutive capital letters, insert an underscore (`_`). This name inference
// trims "Stat" and "HiddenStat" off the front of method names.
func ExtractStats(x any) []Stat {
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
for k := v.Kind(); k == reflect.Pointer || k == reflect.Interface; k = v.Kind() {
v = v.Elem()
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T is not a struct", x))
typ := v.Type()
var ret []Stat
known := make(map[string]bool)
for _, vv := range []reflect.Value{v, v.Addr()} {
xt := vv.Type()
lim := xt.NumMethod()
for i := 0; i < lim; i++ {
m := xt.Method(i)
if !m.IsExported() {
tm := m.Type
if tm.NumIn() != 1 {
// 1 arg -- receiver
if tm.NumOut() != 1 {
nameParts := explode(m.Name)
if len(nameParts) < 2 {
isHidden := false
if nameParts[0] == "Hidden" {
isHidden = true
nameParts = nameParts[1:]
if nameParts[0] != "Stat" {
n := strings.Join(nameParts[1:], " ")
if n == "" {
if known[n] {
known[n] = true
val := vv.Method(i).Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(val) != 1 {
// This shouldn't happen - we already checked Out. Weird.
if !val[0].CanInterface() {
ret = append(ret, &StatLiteral{
Name: n,
Value: fmt.Sprint(val[0].Interface()),
IsVisible: !isHidden,
fields := reflect.VisibleFields(typ)
for _, sf := range fields {
if !sf.IsExported() {
f := v.FieldByIndex(sf.Index)
if !f.CanInterface() {
iface := f.Interface()
if s, ok := iface.(Stat); ok {
if known[s.StatName()] {
known[s.StatName()] = true
ret = append(ret, s)
if t := sf.Tag.Get("cardsim"); t != "" {
isStat := false
isHidden := false
t = strings.ToLower(t)
t = strings.TrimSpace(t)
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "hidden") {
isStat = true
isHidden = true
t = t[6:]
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "stat") {
isStat = true
t = t[4:]
var val string
if strings.HasPrefix(t, "round") {
isStat = true
t = t[5:]
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(t)
fs := fmt.Sprintf("%%.%df", n)
val = fmt.Sprintf(fs, iface)
} else if isStat {
val = fmt.Sprint(iface)
} else {
continue // not identifiably a stat
nm := strings.Join(explode(sf.Name), " ")
if known[nm] {
known[nm] = true
ret = append(ret, &StatLiteral{
Name: nm,
Value: val,
IsVisible: !isHidden,
// Else, not a stat.
return ret
// SortStats sorts the provided slice of stats in place. It puts all visible
// stats before all invisible stats, then alphabetizes (case-insensitive).
func SortStats(ss []Stat) {
// statSorter implements sort.Interface for []Stat.
type statSorter []Stat
// Len implements sort.Interface.
func (s statSorter) Len() int {
return len(s)
// Swap implements sort.Interface.
func (s statSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
// Less implements sort.Interface.
func (s statSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
lhs, rhs := s[i], s[j]
if lhs.Visible() != rhs.Visible() {
return lhs.Visible()
ln, rn := strings.ToLower(lhs.StatName()), strings.ToLower(rhs.StatName())
if ln != rn {
return ln < rn
// Names differ only by capitalization, if that.
return lhs.StatName() < rhs.StatName()
// StatLiteral stores a ready-to-emit stat value.
type StatLiteral struct {
Name string
Value string
IsVisible bool
func (s *StatLiteral) StatName() string {
return s.Name
func (s *StatLiteral) String() string {
return s.Value
func (s *StatLiteral) Visible() bool {
return s.IsVisible
func EmitStat(name string, v any) *StatLiteral {
return &StatLiteral{
Name: name,
Value: fmt.Sprint(v),
IsVisible: true,
func EmitHiddenStat(name string, v any) *StatLiteral {
return &StatLiteral{
Name: name,
Value: fmt.Sprint(v),
IsVisible: false,
func Statf(name string, f string, args ...any) *StatLiteral {
return &StatLiteral{
Name: name,
Value: fmt.Sprintf(f, args...),
IsVisible: true,
func HiddentStatf(name string, f string, args ...any) *StatLiteral {
return &StatLiteral{
Name: name,
Value: fmt.Sprintf(f, args...),
IsVisible: false,
func RoundStat[N constraints.Float](name string, val N, decimals int) *StatLiteral {
f := fmt.Sprintf("%%.%df", decimals)
return &StatLiteral{
Name: name,
Value: fmt.Sprintf(f, val),
IsVisible: true,
func RoundHiddenStat[N constraints.Float](name string, val N, decimals int) *StatLiteral {
r := RoundStat(name, val, decimals)
r.IsVisible = false
return r
// explode turns CamelCase into multiple strings. It recognizes initialisms. To
// split consecutive capital letters into separate words instead of recognizing
// them as an initialism, insert underscores.
func explode(s string) []string {
var parts []string
started := 0
initialism := false
for i, r := range s {
if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
if initialism || (started == i) {
if started == i-1 {
initialism = true
parts = append(parts, s[started:i])
started = i
if r == '_' {
parts = append(parts, s[started:i])
initialism = false
started = i + 1
if initialism {
parts = append(parts, s[started:i-1])
initialism = false
started = i - 1
parts = append(parts, s[started:])
return parts