Compare commits
No commits in common. "main" and "statupgrade" have entirely different histories.
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ A bucket of game state.
### Stat
An arbitrary variable (or function, if it's calculated) tagged with some stuff to make it easier to display to the player. Stats can be extracted automatically (see "Stat Extraction" below).
An arbitrary variable (or function, if it's calculated) tagged with some stuff to make it easier to display to the player.
### StatsCollection
@ -57,26 +57,3 @@ There are some special errors that Rules can use to "communicate with" the rule
### Messages
For now, strings but inconvenient. Intended to provide forwards compatibility when we eventually include some way to format text, where all the stuff written for "it's just a string" would break if not for having this extra type in the way to wrap it where we can stay compatible with "it's just a string" mode.
## Stat Extraction
The function `ExtractStats` creates a stats list automatically by searching through a struct's fields and methods. The following things are recognized as stats:
* any method with a name like `StatFoo` or `HiddenStatFoo` (the latter are marked as invisible stats, which show up only in debug mode with the implementation in BasicStatsPane)
* any exported field with a type that is already a `Stat`; the `Stored[T]` and `Hidden[T]` generic types are containers for this
* any exported field tagged with `cardsim:"stat"`
* or `cardsim:"hidden"` for hidden stats. `"hiddenstat"` also works.
* you can use `"round2"` to round to two decimal places -- you can use any integer here, not just 2. works with both `float` types.
* `"hiddenround3"` (or any other number) creates a hidden rounded stat.
* To change the display name of a stat, use a separate tag phrase in addition to the stat tag, `cardsim_name:"name"`.
* For example: `cardsim:"stat" cardsim_name:"Stat Display Name"` creates a visible stat that shows up as "Stat Display Name".
* `cardsim:"hiddenround1" cardsim_name:"Hidden Rounded Stat"` creates an invisible stat that shows up, rounded to one decimal place, as "Hidden Rounded Stat".
Stat extraction can implement most or all of your type's `Stats` method for you:
func (e *ExampleType) Stats() []cardsim.Stat {
return cardsim.ExtractStats(e)
ExtractStats puts methods first (lexicographically), then fields (in the order they appear). You can use `cardsim.SortStats` to instead put visible stats before hidden stats, alphabetized (case-insensitive).
@ -101,63 +101,6 @@ func (b *BasicCard[C]) Drawn(_ *Player[C]) bool {
return true
// RefundAction returns a func that can be used as an AfterOption, which returns
// the player's action point.
func RefundAction[C StatsCollection]() func(c Card[C], p *Player[C], option CardOption[C]) error {
return func(c Card[C], p *Player[C], option CardOption[C]) error {
return nil
// A PanelCard is a Card that takes its title and text from an InfoPanel,
// while options, urgency, and the post-option callback are specified
// (like a BasicCard). It never does anything in particular when drawn.
// Omitting all options yields an inactionable card, which can be displayed
// but not played. This can be useful for adding an info panel as a debug action.
type PanelCard[C StatsCollection] struct {
Panel InfoPanel[C]
IsUrgent bool
CardOptions []CardOption[C]
// AfterOption is given the card itself as its first argument.
AfterOption func(c Card[C], p *Player[C], option CardOption[C]) error
// Title implements Card.
func (c *PanelCard[C]) Title(p *Player[C]) Message {
return c.Panel.Title(p)
// Urgent implements Card.
func (c *PanelCard[C]) Urgent(_ *Player[C]) bool {
return c.IsUrgent
// EventText implements Card.
func (c *PanelCard[C]) EventText(p *Player[C]) (Message, error) {
msgs, err := c.Panel.Info(p)
return MultiMessage(msgs), err
// Options implements Card.
func (c *PanelCard[C]) Options(_ *Player[C]) ([]CardOption[C], error) {
return c.CardOptions, nil
// Then implements Card.
func (c *PanelCard[C]) Then(p *Player[C], option CardOption[C]) error {
if c.AfterOption == nil {
return nil
return c.AfterOption(c, p, option)
// Drawn implements Card.
func (c *PanelCard[C]) Drawn(_ *Player[C]) bool {
return true
// A BasicOption is a CardOption with fixed text, effects, and output.
// It's always enabled.
type BasicOption[C StatsCollection] struct {
@ -208,17 +151,3 @@ func (o *optionFunc[C]) Enact(p *Player[C]) (Message, error) {
func (o *optionFunc[C]) Enabled(p *Player[C]) bool {
return true
// OnlyDiscardFree returns a []CardOption[C] providing a single option, which
// returns the action point. It does not shuffle the card back into the deck
// or draw a replacement (consider the AfterFunc for that if needed). This
// can be used for cards that are displayable but not actionable, but show up
// as cards rather than permanent or debug actions for some reason.
func OnlyDiscardFree[C StatsCollection](msg Message) []CardOption[C] {
return []CardOption[C]{
OptionFunc(msg, func(p *Player[C]) (Message, error) {
return MsgStr("Okay."), nil
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
package cardsim
// Named debug verbosity levels. Using the raw constants is fine too. This
// is roughly consistent with "standard" meanings for these debug levels.
const (
HideWarnings = -1
NotDebugging = 0
DebugWarning = 1
DebugInfo = 2
DebugDetail = 3
DebugFine = 4
DebugSuperfine = 5
// ActionCounterDebugCard constructs a BasicCard intended for use only as a
// Debug Action that tinkers with the player's action counter.
func ActionCounterDebugCard[C StatsCollection]() Card[C] {
return &BasicCard[C]{
CardTitle: MsgStr("Adjust Action Counter"),
CardText: MsgStr("Change the number of actions you have available this turn."),
CardOptions: []CardOption[C]{
Text: MsgStr("Get an extra action."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
p.ActionsRemaining += 2 // counteract the one this costs
return nil
Output: MsgStr("Gotten."),
Text: MsgStr("Waste an action."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
return nil
Output: MsgStr("Wasted."),
Text: MsgStr("Get a thousand actions."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
p.ActionsRemaining = 1000
return nil
Output: MsgStr("ActionsRemaining set to 1000."),
Text: MsgStr("Go to exactly 1 action remaining."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
p.ActionsRemaining = 1
return nil
Output: MsgStr("ActionsRemaining set to 1."),
Text: MsgStr("End the turn. (Set actions to 0.)"),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
p.ActionsRemaining = 0
return nil
Output: MsgStr("ActionsRemaining zeroed out."),
// DebugModeCard constructs a BasicCard to change the player's debug level.
// It is intended for use only as a Debug Action.
func DebugModeCard[C StatsCollection]() Card[C] {
return &BasicCard[C]{
CardTitle: MsgStr("Change Debug Level"),
CardText: MsgStr("Adjust verbosity of output, or exit debug mode entirely (not recommended)."),
CardOptions: []CardOption[C]{
debugLevelOption[C]{1, "Enable debug mode. Show warnings."},
debugLevelOption[C]{2, "Enable debug mode. Show info messages."},
debugLevelOption[C]{3, "Enable debug mode. Show detailed messages."},
debugLevelOption[C]{4, "Enable debug mode. Show individual details of operations."},
debugLevelOption[C]{5, "Enable debug mode. Show every event in excruciating detail."},
debugLevelOption[C]{0, "NOT RECOMMENDED. Disable debugging (show warnings). IT CAN'T BE TURNED BACK ON."},
debugLevelOption[C]{-1, "NOT RECOMMENDED. Disable debugging (hide warnings). IT CAN'T BE TURNED BACK ON."},
AfterOption: RefundAction[C](),
type debugLevelOption[C StatsCollection] struct {
level int
description string
// OptionText implements CardOption[C].
func (d debugLevelOption[C]) OptionText(*Player[C]) (Message, error) {
return Msgf("Set debug level %d: %s", d.level, d.description), nil
// Enact implements CardOption[C].
func (d debugLevelOption[C]) Enact(p *Player[C]) (Message, error) {
p.DebugLevel = d.level
return Msgf("Debug level is now %d.", d.level), nil
// Enabled implements CardOption[C].
func (d debugLevelOption[C]) Enabled(p *Player[C]) bool {
return true
@ -279,145 +279,3 @@ func (d *Deck[C]) Strip(shouldRemove func(idx int, c Card[C]) bool) int {
|||| = Strip(, shouldRemove)
return origLen - d.Len()
// DeckDebugger is a Card[C], intended for use only as a debug action, that
// lists the top 10 cards of the deck (without checking if they are drawable)
// and allows various sorts of deck manipulation for free. It can't be drawn.
type DeckDebugger[C StatsCollection] struct{}
// Title implements Card[C].
func (DeckDebugger[C]) Title(p *Player[C]) Message {
return MsgStr("Debug Mode Deck Controls")
// Urgent implements Card[C] as used in permanent actions. It's always valid
// to use the deck debugger. Debug actions do not check urgency flags, but this
// marks itself as urgent-compatible just in case.
func (DeckDebugger[C]) Urgent(p *Player[C]) bool {
return true
// Drawn implements Card[C]. It can't be drawn.
func (DeckDebugger[C]) Drawn(p *Player[C]) bool {
return false
// EventText implements Card[C]. It lists the top ten cards of the deck and
// a few deck-related and hand-related stats.
func (DeckDebugger[C]) EventText(p *Player[C]) (Message, error) {
var msgs []Message
msgs = append(msgs, Msgf("The Deck contains %d cards.", p.Deck.Len()))
if p.Deck.Len() > 0 {
portion :=
msgs = append(msgs, nil)
topness := "All"
if p.Deck.Len() > 10 {
portion =[:10]
topness = "Top 10"
msgs = append(msgs, Msgf("%s cards in the Deck:", topness))
for i, c := range portion {
urgency := " "
if c.Urgent(p) {
urgency = "!"
msgs = append(msgs, Msgf(" %s %2d) %v", urgency, i+1, c.Title(p)))
msgs = append(msgs, nil)
msgs = append(msgs, Msgf("At the start of each turn, the Player draws to %d cards. The player has %d cards in hand.", p.HandLimit, len(p.Hand)))
return MultiMessage(msgs), nil
// Options implements Card[C]. It offers many possible actions.
func (DeckDebugger[C]) Options(p *Player[C]) ([]CardOption[C], error) {
ret := []CardOption[C]{
Text: MsgStr("Draw a card."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
return p.Draw()
Output: MsgStr("Done."),
Text: MsgStr("Shuffle the deck."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
return p.Deck.Shuffle()
Output: MsgStr("Done."),
Text: MsgStr("Shuffle top half."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
return p.Deck.ShuffleTop(0.5)
Output: MsgStr("Done."),
Text: MsgStr("Shuffle bottom half."),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
return p.Deck.ShuffleBottom(0.5)
Output: MsgStr("Done."),
for _, n := range []int{1, 3, 5, 10} {
if p.Deck.Len() <= n {
// We don't want the functions we're creating to all share the same "n"
// field -- we want to create distinct functions that move distinct
// numbers of cards. For more information on what's going on here, see
// For the curious, the Go developers don't like the gotcha that
// this "shadow variable with itself" workaround patches over either.
// Here's the guy who implemented apologizing for it and discussing
// changing it:
// "Loop variables being per-loop instead of per-iteration is the only
// design decision I know of in Go that makes programs incorrect more
// often than it makes them correct." -- Russ Cox (rsc)
n := n
invN := p.Deck.Len() - n
ret = append(ret,
Text: Msgf("Move the top %d card(s) to the bottom of the deck, in order.", n),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
|||| = append(,[:n]...)
|||| =[n:]
return nil
Output: MsgStr("Done."),
Text: Msgf("Move the bottom %d card(s) to the top of the deck, in order.", n),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
|||| = append(,[:invN]...)
|||| =[invN:]
return nil
Output: MsgStr("Done."),
if n > 1 {
ret = append(ret, &BasicOption[C]{
Text: Msgf("Shuffle the top %d card(s) of the deck.", n),
Effect: func(p *Player[C]) error {
return p.Deck.ShufflePart(0, n)
Output: MsgStr("Done."),
return ret, nil
// Then implements Card[C]. It refunds the action point.
func (DeckDebugger[C]) Then(p *Player[C], o CardOption[C]) error {
return nil
@ -12,12 +12,6 @@ type Message interface {
// Titled desccribes any type that returns a Message as a title, given a Player
// (which it may ignore).
type Titled[C StatsCollection] interface {
Title(*Player[C]) Message
type stringMessage string
func (s stringMessage) String() string {
@ -35,19 +29,6 @@ func Msgf(f string, args ...any) Message {
return stringMessage(fmt.Sprintf(f, args...))
// ErrorMessage returns a Message representing an Error.
// This is preferred over Msgf for errors, since future versions of the library
// may perform special message formatting for errors.
func ErrorMessage(e error) Message {
if e == nil {
return nil
if IsSeriousError(e) {
return MultiMessage{MsgStr("SERIOUS ERROR:"), Msgf("%v", e)}
return MultiMessage{MsgStr("Warning:"), Msgf("%v", e)}
// A SpecialMessage is a specific, uniquely identifiable message.
type SpecialMessage struct {
msg Message
@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ import (
var (
ErrInvalidCard = errors.New("invalid card specified")
ErrInvalidChoice = errors.New("invalid choice specified")
ErrNotUrgent = errors.New("action not urgent when urgent card is available")
ErrNoActions = errors.New("no actions remaining")
ErrNotDebugging = errors.New("this is a debug-only feature and you're not in debug mode")
ErrUncooperativeCards = errors.New("a milion cards refused to join the hand")
ErrInvalidCard = errors.New("invalid card specified")
ErrInvalidChoice = errors.New("invalid choice specified")
ErrNotUrgent = errors.New("action not urgent when urgent card is available")
ErrNoActions = errors.New("no actions remaining")
WarningStalemate = &Warning{errors.New("no actions can be taken")}
WarningUncoperativeCards = &Warning{errors.New("a milion cards refused to join the hand")}
WarningStalemate = errors.New("no actions can be taken")
// Player stores all gameplay state for one player at a specific point in time.
@ -105,10 +104,6 @@ type Player[C StatsCollection] struct {
// card is in the hand.
PermanentActions []Card[C]
// DebugActions are PermanentActions only available when the player is in
// debug mode. InitPlayer adds some standard debugging actions by default.
DebugActions []Card[C]
// InfoPanels lists informational views available to the player. The Prompt
// is the InfoPanel shown before the main action menu.
InfoPanels []InfoPanel[C]
@ -175,12 +170,6 @@ func InitPlayer[C StatsCollection](stats C) *Player[C] {
HandLimit: 1,
ActionsPerTurn: 1,
Rules: NewRuleCollection[C](),
DebugActions: []Card[C]{
&PanelCard[C]{Panel: RuleDumper[C]{}},
@ -272,9 +261,9 @@ func (p *Player[C]) StartNextTurn() error {
// Draw draws a card into the hand, informing the card that it has been drawn.
// If more than a million cards refuse to enter the hand, this gives up and
// returns WarningUncooperativeCards. If the deck does not have enough cards,
// this returns WarningTooFewCards.
// If more than a million cards refuse to enter the hand, this crashes with
// ErrUncooperativeCards. If the deck does not have enough cards, this
// returns WarningTooFewCards.
func (p *Player[C]) Draw() error {
for attempts := 0; attempts < 1000000; attempts++ {
if p.Deck.Len() == 0 {
@ -286,13 +275,13 @@ func (p *Player[C]) Draw() error {
return nil
return WarningUncoperativeCards
return ErrUncooperativeCards
// FillHand draws up to the hand limit, informing cards that they have been
// drawn. If more than a million cards refuse to enter the hand, this gives up
// and returns WarningUncooperativeCards. If the deck does not have enough
// cards, this returns WarningTooFewCards.
// drawn. If more than a million cards refuse to enter the hand, this crashes
// with ErrUncooperativeCards. If the deck does not have enough cards, this
// returns WarningTooFewCards.
func (p *Player[C]) FillHand() error {
var lastErr error
for p.Deck.Len() > 0 && len(p.Hand) < p.HandLimit {
@ -319,38 +308,6 @@ func (p *Player[C]) HasUrgentCards() bool {
return false
// EnactableType is an enumeration representing a category of enactable thing.
// Debug actions, permanent actions, and cards behave equivalently in many ways,
// so EnactableType allows parts of the program to work with any of these and
// represent which one they apply to.
type EnactableType int
const (
// InvalidEnactable is an uninitialized EnactableType value with no meaning.
// Using it is generally an error. If you initialize EnactableType fields
// with this value when your program has not yet calculated what type of
// enactable will be used, CardSimEngine will be able to detect bugs where
// such a calcualation, inadvertently, does not come to any conclusion.
// Unlike NothingEnactable, there are no circumstances where this has a
// specific valid meaning.
InvalidEnactable = EnactableType(iota)
// NothingEnactable specifically represents not enacting anything. In some
// contexts, it's an error to use it; in others, it is a sentinel value
// for "do not enact anything". Unlike InvalidEnactable, this has a specific
// valid meaning, it's just that the meaning is specifically "nothing".
// CardEnactable refers to a card in the hand.
// PermanentActionEnactable refers to an item in the permanent actions list.
// DebugActionEnactable refers to an item in the debug actions list.
// EnactCardUnchecked executes a card choice, removes it from the hand, and
// decrements the ActionsRemaining. It does not check for conflicting Urgent
// cards or already being out of actions. If no such card or card choice
@ -386,14 +343,17 @@ func (p *Player[C]) EnactCardUnchecked(cardIdx, choiceIdx int) (Message, error)
ret, err := options[choiceIdx].Enact(p)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
p.State = GameCrashed
return ret, errs.Emit()
err = card.Then(p, options[choiceIdx])
err = errs.Emit()
if IsSeriousError(err) {
p.State = GameCrashed
return ret, err
return ret, errs.Emit()
// EnactCard executes a card choice, removes it from the hand, and decrements
@ -421,31 +381,10 @@ func (p *Player[C]) EnactCard(cardIdx, choiceIdx int) (Message, error) {
// result of enacting the permanent action. If enacting the card causes a
// serious error, the State becomes GameCrashed.
func (p *Player[C]) EnactPermanentActionUnchecked(actionIdx, choiceIdx int) (Message, error) {
return p.enactActionUnchecked(p.PermanentActions, actionIdx, choiceIdx)
// EnactDebugActionUnchecked executes a debug action and decrements the
// ActionsRemaining, even though most debug actions will want to refund that
// action point. (Consistency with other actions is important.) It does not
// check for Urgent cards or for already being out of actions. If no such action
// or card option exists, or the option is not enabled, this returns nil and
// ErrInvalidCard or ErrInvalidChoice without changing anything. If the player
// is not in debug mode (DebugLevel >= 1), this returns ErrNotDebugging.
// Otherwise, this returns the result of enacting the debug action. If enacting
// the action causes a serious error, the State becomes GameCrashed.
func (p *Player[C]) EnactDebugActionUnchecked(actionIdx, choiceIdx int) (Message, error) {
if p.DebugLevel < 1 {
return nil, ErrNotDebugging
if actionIdx < 0 || actionIdx >= len(p.PermanentActions) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: no action #%d when %d permanent actions exist", ErrInvalidCard, actionIdx, len(p.PermanentActions))
return p.enactActionUnchecked(p.DebugActions, actionIdx, choiceIdx)
// enactActionUnchecked implements EnactPermanentActionUnchecked and EnactDebugActionUnchecked.
func (p *Player[C]) enactActionUnchecked(actionSource []Card[C], actionIdx, choiceIdx int) (Message, error) {
if actionIdx < 0 || actionIdx >= len(actionSource) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: no action #%d when %d actions exist", ErrInvalidCard, actionIdx, len(actionSource))
card := actionSource[actionIdx]
card := p.PermanentActions[actionIdx]
var errs ErrorCollector
options, err := card.Options(p)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
@ -454,12 +393,12 @@ func (p *Player[C]) enactActionUnchecked(actionSource []Card[C], actionIdx, choi
if choiceIdx < 0 || choiceIdx > len(options) {
errs.Add(fmt.Errorf("%w: no option #%d on action #%d with %d options", ErrInvalidChoice, choiceIdx, actionIdx, len(options)))
errs.Add(fmt.Errorf("%w: no option #%d on permanent action #%d with %d options", ErrInvalidChoice, choiceIdx, actionIdx, len(options)))
return nil, errs.Emit()
chosen := options[choiceIdx]
if !chosen.Enabled(p) {
errs.Add(fmt.Errorf("%w: option #%d on action #%d is not enabled", ErrInvalidChoice, choiceIdx, actionIdx))
errs.Add(fmt.Errorf("%w: option #%d on permanent action #%d is not enabled", ErrInvalidChoice, choiceIdx, actionIdx))
return nil, errs.Emit()
@ -467,13 +406,17 @@ func (p *Player[C]) enactActionUnchecked(actionSource []Card[C], actionIdx, choi
ret, err := chosen.Enact(p)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
p.State = GameCrashed
return ret, errs.Emit()
err = card.Then(p, chosen)
retErr := errs.Emit()
if IsSeriousError(retErr) {
if IsSeriousError(err) {
p.State = GameCrashed
return ret, retErr
return ret, errs.Emit()
// EnactPermanentAction executes a permanently-available card and decrements
@ -505,11 +448,15 @@ func (p *Player[C]) ReportError(e error) {
if e == nil || p.DebugLevel < -1 {
minLvl := NotDebugging
if IsSeriousError(e) {
minLvl = HideWarnings
if p.DebugLevel < 0 && !IsSeriousError(e) {
p.Debug(minLvl, ErrorMessage(e))
severity := "[Warning]"
if IsSeriousError(e) {
severity = "[ERROR]"
p.TemporaryMessages = append(p.TemporaryMessages, Msgf("%s: %v", severity, e))
// CanAct returns whether the player has actions theoretically available.
@ -523,7 +470,6 @@ func (p *Player[C]) Debug(minLevel int, msg Message) {
if p.DebugLevel < minLevel || msg == nil {
p.TemporaryMessages = append(p.TemporaryMessages, msg)
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import (
// A Rule implements an operation run on every game turn.
@ -404,14 +402,3 @@ func (r *RuleCollection[C]) applyDelayedUpdates() {
// RuleDumper is an InfoPanel[C] that dumps all rules in P.
type RuleDumper[C StatsCollection] struct{}
func (RuleDumper[C]) Title(p *Player[C]) Message {
return MsgStr("Rule Dumper")
func (RuleDumper[C]) Info(p *Player[C]) ([]Message, error) {
return []Message{Msgf("%# v", pretty.Formatter(p.Rules))}, nil
@ -145,21 +145,3 @@ func Strip[T any](slice []T, removeWhen func(idx int, t T) bool) []T {
return slice[:to]
// EnsureCapacity checks if `cap(slice)` is at least req. If so, it returns
// slice unchanged. Otherwise, it copies `slice` to a new slice that is at least
// capacity `req` (but may be larger) and returns the copy.
// It is reasonably efficient to use EnsureCapacity consecutively without
// regard for the final overall capacity that a specific slice will need to be.
func EnsureCapacity[T any](slice []T, req int) []T {
if cap(slice) >= req {
return slice
if req < 2*cap(slice) {
req = 2 * cap(slice)
ret := make([]T, len(slice), req)
copy(ret, slice)
return ret
@ -138,10 +138,6 @@ func (s statFunc[T]) Visible() bool {
// start of another word, if it's not at the end). To insert a space between
// consecutive capital letters, insert an underscore (`_`). This name inference
// trims "Stat" and "HiddenStat" off the front of method names.
// To override the name extracted from a field name, add `cardsim_name:"name"`
// to the tag, where the name part is the name you want to use. It will not be
// formatted further - use normal spaces, capitalization, etc.
func ExtractStats(x any) []Stat {
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
for k := v.Kind(); k == reflect.Pointer || k == reflect.Interface; k = v.Kind() {
@ -252,9 +248,6 @@ func ExtractStats(x any) []Stat {
continue // not identifiably a stat
nm := strings.Join(explode(sf.Name), " ")
if t := sf.Tag.Get("cardsim_name"); t != "" {
nm = t
if known[nm] {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func RunSimpleTerminalUI[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) error {
for {
for p.CanAct() {
actionType, cardIdx, choiceIdx, err := pickNextAction(p)
isCard, cardIdx, choiceIdx, err := pickNextAction(p)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
if p.DebugLevel < 1 {
@ -26,18 +26,10 @@ func RunSimpleTerminalUI[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) error {
var msg Message
switch actionType {
case CardEnactable:
if isCard {
msg, err = p.EnactCard(cardIdx, choiceIdx)
case DebugActionEnactable:
msg, err = p.EnactDebugActionUnchecked(cardIdx, choiceIdx)
case PermanentActionEnactable:
} else {
msg, err = p.EnactPermanentAction(cardIdx, choiceIdx)
case NothingEnactable:
msg = nil
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid enaction type in action loop: %d", actionType)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
@ -46,10 +38,6 @@ func RunSimpleTerminalUI[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) error {
if err != nil {
@ -89,7 +77,7 @@ func wait() {
func displayMainMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (debugOffset, actionsOffset, handOffset, max int) {
func displayMainMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (actionsOffset, handOffset, max int) {
needsDivider := displayMessageSection(p)
if needsDivider {
@ -97,14 +85,10 @@ func displayMainMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (debugOffset, actionsOffse
displayOnePanel(p, p.Prompt)
debugOffset = displayStatsMenu(p)
if debugOffset > 0 {
actionsOffset = displayStatsMenu(p)
if actionsOffset > 0 {
actionsOffset = displayDebugActionsMenu(p, debugOffset)
if actionsOffset > debugOffset {
handOffset = displayPermanentActionsMenu(p, actionsOffset)
if handOffset > actionsOffset {
@ -113,9 +97,9 @@ func displayMainMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (debugOffset, actionsOffse
return // uses named return values
func pickNextAction[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (actionType EnactableType, cardIdx int, choiceIdx int, err error) {
func pickNextAction[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (isCard bool, cardIdx int, choiceIdx int, err error) {
for {
debugOffset, actionsOffset, handOffset, max := displayMainMenu(p)
actionsOffset, handOffset, max := displayMainMenu(p)
fmt.Printf("%d actions remaining.\n", p.ActionsRemaining)
@ -133,8 +117,9 @@ func pickNextAction[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (actionType EnactableType,
case "s", "stat", "stats", "i", "info", "p", "panel", "panels", "infopanel", "infopanels":
case "a", "act", "actions":
actionType, cardIdx, choiceIdx, err = actionsMode(p, true)
if actionType != NothingEnactable {
var committed bool
isCard, cardIdx, choiceIdx, committed, err = actionsMode(p, true)
if committed {
case "q", "quit", "exit":
@ -147,27 +132,21 @@ func pickNextAction[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) (actionType EnactableType,
} else if i > max {
fmt.Println("That's not on this menu. If the menu is too big to read, choose a detail view.")
} else if i <= debugOffset {
} else if i <= actionsOffset {
displayOnePanel(p, p.InfoPanels[i-1])
} else if i <= actionsOffset {
i = i - debugOffset - 1
option, promptErr := promptCard(p, p.DebugActions[i], DebugActionEnactable)
if option >= 0 || IsSeriousError(promptErr) {
return DebugActionEnactable, i, option, promptErr
} else if i <= handOffset {
i = i - actionsOffset - 1
option, promptErr := promptCard(p, p.PermanentActions[i], PermanentActionEnactable)
option, promptErr := promptCard(p, p.PermanentActions[i])
if option >= 0 || IsSeriousError(promptErr) {
return PermanentActionEnactable, i, option, promptErr
return false, i, option, promptErr
} else {
i = i - handOffset - 1
option, promptErr := promptCard(p, p.Hand[i], CardEnactable)
option, promptErr := promptCard(p, p.Hand[i])
if option >= 0 || IsSeriousError(promptErr) {
return CardEnactable, i, option, nil
return true, i, option, nil
@ -200,7 +179,7 @@ func lightDivider() {
func confirmQuit() {
fmt.Printf("Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N) > ")
fmt.Println("Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/N) > ")
s := getResponse()
if s == "y" || s == "yes" {
@ -243,7 +222,9 @@ func displayStatsMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) int {
fmt.Println("Info Panels")
displayNumberedTitles(p, p.InfoPanels, 0)
for i, s := range p.InfoPanels {
fmt.Printf("[%2d]: %s\n", i+1, s.Title(p).String())
return len(p.InfoPanels)
@ -253,18 +234,10 @@ func displayPermanentActionsMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], offset int) in
fmt.Println("Always Available")
displayNumberedTitles(p, p.PermanentActions, offset)
return offset + len(p.PermanentActions)
func displayDebugActionsMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], offset int) int {
if p.DebugLevel < 1 || len(p.DebugActions) == 0 {
return offset
for i, s := range p.PermanentActions {
fmt.Printf("[%2d]: %s\n", i+offset+1, s.Title(p))
fmt.Println("Debug Mode")
displayNumberedTitles(p, p.DebugActions, offset)
return offset + len(p.DebugActions)
return offset + len(p.PermanentActions)
func displayHandMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], offset int) int {
@ -273,22 +246,18 @@ func displayHandMenu[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], offset int) int {
displayNumberedTitles(p, p.Hand, offset)
return offset + len(p.Hand)
func displayNumberedTitles[C StatsCollection, T Titled[C]](p *Player[C], cards []T, offset int) {
for i, s := range cards {
for i, s := range p.Hand {
fmt.Printf("[%2d]: %s\n", i+offset+1, s.Title(p))
return offset + len(p.Hand)
// promptCard asks the player to take an action on a card. Returns the option
// they chose, or -1 if there was a serious error or they cancelled selection.
func promptCard[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], card Card[C], cardType EnactableType) (optionIdx int, err error) {
func promptCard[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], card Card[C]) (optionIdx int, err error) {
// Iterate until the player makes a valid choice.
for {
opts, valid, err := displayCard(p, card, cardType, true)
opts, valid, err := displayCard(p, card, true)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return -1, err
@ -326,11 +295,11 @@ func promptCard[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], card Card[C], cardType Enactabl
func displayCard[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], card Card[C], cardType EnactableType, canAct bool) ([]CardOption[C], bool, error) {
func displayCard[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], card Card[C], canAct bool) ([]CardOption[C], bool, error) {
t := card.Title(p).String()
urgent := card.Urgent(p)
if urgent && cardType == CardEnactable {
if urgent {
t = "[URGENT!] " + t
@ -346,7 +315,7 @@ func displayCard[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], card Card[C], cardType Enactab
if !urgent && cardType != DebugActionEnactable && p.HasUrgentCards() {
if !urgent && p.HasUrgentCards() {
fmt.Println("<You have more urgent matters to attend to! You cannot act on this right now.>")
canAct = false
@ -416,16 +385,12 @@ func statsMode[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) error {
func actionsMode[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], canAct bool) (actionType EnactableType, cardIdx, choiceIdx int, err error) {
func actionsMode[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], canAct bool) (isCard bool, cardIdx, choiceIdx int, committed bool, err error) {
var errs ErrorCollector
for {
dOff := displayDebugActionsMenu(p, 0)
if dOff > 0 {
pOff := displayPermanentActionsMenu(p, dOff)
if pOff > dOff {
pOff := displayPermanentActionsMenu(p, 0)
if pOff > 0 {
max := displayHandMenu(p, pOff)
@ -435,7 +400,7 @@ func actionsMode[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], canAct bool) (actionType Enact
fmt.Println("That's a problem. The game is stuck.")
return NothingEnactable, -1, -1, errs.Emit()
return false, -1, -1, true, errs.Emit()
@ -447,7 +412,7 @@ func actionsMode[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], canAct bool) (actionType Enact
input := getResponse()
switch input {
case "b", "back":
return NothingEnactable, -1, -1, errs.Emit()
return false, -1, -1, false, errs.Emit()
case "q", "quit":
@ -458,51 +423,35 @@ func actionsMode[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], canAct bool) (actionType Enact
} else if v < 1 || v > max {
fmt.Println("That's not a card or action.")
} else if v <= dOff {
} else if v <= pOff {
if canAct {
optIdx, err := promptCard(p, p.DebugActions[v], DebugActionEnactable)
optIdx, err := promptCard(p, p.PermanentActions[v])
if optIdx >= 0 || IsSeriousError(err) {
return DebugActionEnactable, v, optIdx, errs.Emit()
return false, v, optIdx, true, errs.Emit()
} else {
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.DebugActions[v], DebugActionEnactable, false)
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.PermanentActions[v], false)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return DebugActionEnactable, -1, -1, errs.Emit()
} else if v <= pOff {
v = v - dOff - 1
if canAct {
optIdx, err := promptCard(p, p.PermanentActions[v], PermanentActionEnactable)
if optIdx >= 0 || IsSeriousError(err) {
return PermanentActionEnactable, v, optIdx, errs.Emit()
} else {
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.PermanentActions[v], PermanentActionEnactable, false)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return PermanentActionEnactable, -1, -1, errs.Emit()
return false, -1, -1, true, errs.Emit()
} else {
v = v - pOff - 1
if canAct {
optIdx, err := promptCard(p, p.Hand[v], CardEnactable)
optIdx, err := promptCard(p, p.Hand[v])
if optIdx >= 0 || IsSeriousError(err) {
return CardEnactable, v, optIdx, errs.Emit()
return true, v, optIdx, false, errs.Emit()
} else {
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.Hand[v], CardEnactable, false)
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.Hand[v], false)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return CardEnactable, -1, -1, errs.Emit()
return false, -1, -1, false, errs.Emit()
@ -515,7 +464,7 @@ func actionsMode[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C], canAct bool) (actionType Enact
func review[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) error {
var errs ErrorCollector
for {
debugOffset, actionsOffset, handOffset, max := displayMainMenu(p)
actionsOffset, handOffset, max := displayMainMenu(p)
fmt.Println("No actions remaining.")
fmt.Printf("(C)ontinue, review just (M)essages, (I)nfo Panels, (A)ctions, or an item (1-%d), or (Q)uit? > ", max)
@ -536,7 +485,7 @@ func review[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) error {
return errs.Emit()
case "a", "act", "actions":
_, _, _, err := actionsMode(p, false)
_, _, _, _, err := actionsMode(p, false)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return errs.Emit()
@ -549,34 +498,31 @@ func review[C StatsCollection](p *Player[C]) error {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(input)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Sorry, I don't understand.")
} else if i <= 0 || i > max {
fmt.Println("That's not on this menu. If the menu is too big to read, choose a detail view.")
} else if i <= debugOffset {
} else if i <= actionsOffset {
displayOnePanel(p, p.InfoPanels[i-1])
} else if i <= actionsOffset {
i = i - debugOffset - 1
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.DebugActions[i], DebugActionEnactable, false)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return errs.Emit()
} else if i <= handOffset {
i = i - actionsOffset - 1
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.PermanentActions[i], PermanentActionEnactable, false)
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.PermanentActions[i], false)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return errs.Emit()
} else {
i = i - handOffset - 1
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.Hand[i], CardEnactable, false)
_, _, err := displayCard(p, p.Hand[i], false)
if IsSeriousError(err) {
return errs.Emit()
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func (i inverseDivision) OptionText(p *player) (cardsim.Message, error) {
func (i inverseDivision) Enact(p *player) (cardsim.Message, error) {
if p.Stats.Number.Value == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("you can't divide by zero")
return nil, errors.New("you can't divide by zero!")
p.Stats.Number.Value = int(i) / p.Stats.Number.Value
return cardsim.MsgStr("Inverse divided."), nil
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ func initDeck(d *cardsim.Deck[*SmokeTestCollection]) {
func installPermanentActions(pa *[]card) {
*pa = []card{
CardTitle: cardsim.MsgStr("Reset Number"),
CardText: cardsim.MsgStr("Resets Number to a fixed value."),
CardTitle: cardsim.MsgStr("Reset to 0"),
CardText: cardsim.MsgStr("Resets Number to 0."),
CardOptions: []cardOption{
Text: cardsim.MsgStr("Reset to 0."),
@ -130,6 +130,12 @@ func installPermanentActions(pa *[]card) {
Output: cardsim.MsgStr("Done."),
CardTitle: cardsim.MsgStr("Reset to 1000000"),
CardText: cardsim.MsgStr("Resets Number to one million."),
CardOptions: []cardOption{
Text: cardsim.MsgStr("Reset to 1,000,000"),
Effect: func(p *player) error {
@ -140,5 +146,18 @@ func installPermanentActions(pa *[]card) {
CardTitle: cardsim.MsgStr("Draw a card"),
CardText: cardsim.MsgStr("Draw an extra card."),
CardOptions: []cardOption{
Text: cardsim.MsgStr("Draw an extra card."),
Effect: func(p *player) error {
return p.Draw()
Output: cardsim.MsgStr("Drawn. Probably."),
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type SmokeTestCollection struct {
Flavor cardsim.Stored[string]
Things int `cardsim:"stat" cardsim_name:"A Renamed Thing"`
Things int `cardsim:"stat"`
MoreThings int `cardsim:"hidden"`
FloatyThings float64 `cardsim:"round1"`
Label string `cardsim:"stat"`
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import (
func main() {
@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ func main() {
Name: cardsim.MsgStr("Stats"),
Intro: cardsim.MsgStr("Hi! These are the smoke test stats."),
p.Prompt = prompt{}
p.DebugLevel = 5
@ -66,6 +69,15 @@ func (prompt) Info(p *cardsim.Player[*SmokeTestCollection]) ([]cardsim.Message,
return []cardsim.Message{
cardsim.MsgStr("Here, have some stuff."),
cardsim.Msgf("It's turn %d according to the player and turn %d according to me.", p.TurnNumber, p.Stats.Turns.Value),
cardsim.Msgf("The current Number is %d. It tastes like %s.", p.Stats.Number.Value, p.Stats.Flavor.Value),
}, nil
type ruledumper struct{}
func (ruledumper) Title(p *player) cardsim.Message {
return cardsim.MsgStr("Rule Dumper")
func (ruledumper) Info(p *player) ([]cardsim.Message, error) {
return []cardsim.Message{cardsim.Msgf("%# v", pretty.Formatter(p.Rules))}, nil
Reference in New Issue
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