First draft of math code. No frontend, no tests, haven't even tried to compile it yet

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Kistaro Windrider 2023-11-18 15:43:23 -08:00
parent 9353442cd8
commit 3153771721
Signed by: kistaro
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:TBE2ynfmJqsAf0CP6gsflA0q5X5wD5fVKWPsZ7eVUg8
3 changed files with 293 additions and 0 deletions

auctionsim/auction.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package auctionsim
import (
* RunAuction simulates a single-bid second-price auction with no reserve price
* between all bidders emitted by the provided generator, returning the winning
* bidder and how much they paid (the maximum bid of the second-highest bidder).
* To simulate an auction between the first several bidders emitted by some
* generator, use CappedBidderGenerator (in generators.go).
func RunAuction(g BidderGenerator) (float64, Bidder) {
highBidder := Bidder{}
maxBid := math.Inf(-1)
prevBid := math.Inf(-1)
for b, ok := g.Generate(); ok; b, ok = g.Generate() {
if c := b.BidCeiling(); c > maxBid {
prevBid = maxBid
maxBid = c
highBidder = b
return prevBid, highBidder
* RunAuctionVerbosely simulates a single-bid second-price auction with no
* reserve price between all bidders emitted by the provided generator,
* returning all bidders sorted by the order they dropped out and how much the
* winning bidder paid.
* Use CappedBidderGenerator to limit the size of the auction and therefore
* the number of bidders on the list.
func RunAuctionVerbosely(g BidderGenerator) float64, []Bidder {
var bidders []Bidder
for b, ok := g.Generate(); ok; b, ok = g.Generate() {
bidders = append(bidders, b)
slices.SortFunc(bidders, func(a, b Bidder) int {
// If both bid ceilings are infinite in the same direction, we get NaN here...
d := a.BidCeiling() - b.BidCeiling()
if d < 0 {
return -1
if d > 0 {
return 1
// ...which is fine, since NaN will fail both comparisons and return 0 here, so these
// (incomparable) infinities get reported as equal, which is good enough.
return 0
if len(bidders) <= 1 {
// With one or zero bidders, there's no auction. The bidder (if any) gets it for the
// reserve price, but there is no reserve price, so the auctioneer pays the sole bidder
// an infinite amount of money to go away. Economics!
return math.Inf(-1), bidders
// Final price is the second highest bidder's limit.
return bidders[len(bidders)-2].BidCeiling(), bidders

auctionsim/bidder.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package auctionsim
* A Bidder represents one competitor in an auction for some resource. It is
* not threadsafe. It is a pure value type.
type Bidder struct {
* Value stores the real value of the item being auctioned, to this bidder.
* If the bidder won the auction at this price, they would make exactly
* zero effective profit. It is the "rational bid" in a perfectly efficient
* marketplace.
* A bidder that wants some nonzero profit has a lower value on the item by
* the amount of profit they want -- that "minimum payoff" represents an
* unspecified cost for the time and effort of doing the project at all.
* Other costs for getting value out of the object also decrease its value.
* For example, a city to which hosting an F1 race is worth five billion
* dollars, but would spend three and a half billion dollars setting up for
* it, one billion dollars running it, and lose one billion dollars of tax
* revenue due to business disruption during setup and during the event,
* correctly values the race for negative five hundred million dollars. As
* demonstrated by this example, a value can be negative.
Value float64
* Irrationality is the amount the bidder is wrong by on their belief about
* how much the item being auctioned is worth to them. It can be positive
* or negative. If it is positive, the bidder will overbid and potentially
* lose money by winning for more than the benefit they get from the item.
* If it is negative, the bidder will stop bidding too soon and potentially
* fail to win an auction that, had they continued bidding, would have given
* them the item at a profitable price.
Irrationality float64
* Cash stores the bidder's maximum available cash to bid with (including
* any debt, liquid assets, etc. that they are willing to commit to the
* auction). It is a hard cap on their maximum bid.
* To simulate an auction without cash limits, set this to positive infinity
* for every bidder.
* A bidder's available cash can be negative. For example, a company that
* cannot offer a bid to perform a job below a certain price has negative
* effective cash on hand repersenting the maximum price they may "pay"
* to win the auction -- the inverse of the minimum amount of money they
* are allowed to accept as compensation for the obligation being auctioned.
Cash float64
* ValueBelief returns how much the bidder *thinks* the item is worth to them.
* The actual value to them is b.Value.
func (b Bidder) ValueBelief() float64 {
return b.Value + b.Irrationality;
* BidCeiling returns the highest bid this bidder would make for the item. This
* bid might be negative. A negative winning bid is possible and ordinary; this
* represents an auction between vendors competing to offer a service at the
* lowest price, for example.
func (b Bidder) BidCeiling() float64 {
if b.ValueBelief() > b.Cash {
return b.Cash
return b.ValueBelief()
* CashCapped returns whether this bidder *would* make a strictly higher bid
* than their calculated ceiling if they had the money to do so, but they don't.
func (b Bidder) CashCapped() bool {
return b.ValueBelief() > b.Cash;
* IsZero returns whether the given Bidder is indistinguishable from one that was zero-initialized.
func (b Bidder) IsZero() bool {
return b.Value == 0 && b.Irrationality == 0 && b.Cash == 0

auctionsim/generators.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package auctionsim
import (
* A Distribution is any stream of float64s.
type Distribution interface {
* Draw returns the next float64 from the distribution and true, or
* zero and false if the distribution is exhausted or otherwise unusable.
Draw() float64, bool
* A BidderGenerator is any stream of bidders.
type BidderGenerator interface {
* Generate returns the next Bidder and true, or a zero Bidder and false if
* the generator is exhausted or otherwise unusable.
Generate() Bidder, bool
* BiddersFromDistributions is a BidderGenerator that draws the bidders' values,
* irrationality levels, and cash on hand from the provided distributions.
type BiddersFromDistributions struct {
Values Distribution
Irrationalities Distribution
Bankrolls Distribution
* Generate implements BidderGenerator.
func (b *BiddersFromDistributions) Generate() (Bidder, bool) {
value, ok := b.Values.Draw()
if !ok {
return Bidder{}, false
irrationality, ok := b.Irrationalities.Draw()
if !ok {
return Bidder{}, false
cash, ok := v.Bankrolls.Draw()
if !ok {
return Bidder{}, false
return Bidder {
Value: value,
Irrationality: irrationality,
Cash: cash,
}, true
* NormalDistribution is a Distribution representing the normal distribution
* with some specified standard deviation and mean. Multiple instances of
* this type can share a math.Rand as long as they are not queried concurrently
* (since math.Rand is not threadsafe).
type NormalDistribution struct {
Rand *math.Rand
StdDev float64
Mean float64
* Draw implements Distribution.
func (n *NormalDistribution) Draw() (float64, bool) {
return n.Rand.NormFloat64() * n.StdDev + n.Mean, true
* ConstDistribution is a Distribution that always returns the same value.
type ConstDistribution float64
* Draw implements Distribution.
func (c ConstDistribution) Draw() (float64, bool) {
return (float64)c, true
* CappedDistribution returns some fixed number of values from a Distribution,
* then stops returning values.
type CappedDistribution struct {
D Distribution
Lim int64
* Draw implements Distribution.
func (c *CappedDistribution) Draw() (float64, bool) {
if c.Lim <= 0 {
return 0, false
return c.D.Draw()
* CappedBidderGenerator returns some fixed number of bidders from a
* BidderGenerator, then stops returning values.
type CappedBidderGenerator struct {
G BidderGenerator
Lim int64
* Generate implements BidderGenerator.
func (c *CappedBidderGenerator) Generate() (float64, bool) {
if c.Lim <= 0 {
return Bidder{}, false
return c.G.Generate()