1.6 KiB
1.6 KiB
1. refine existing engine (knowing what I know now)
- rewrite event queue as a linked list
- rewrite animator stacks as linked lists
- rewrite ship/bullet collections as linked lists
- update/draw mode switching system (high-efficiency version)
- render ship shields (even for large ships)
- duplicate file -- about to split away from Tyrian features
2. convert from Tyrian clone to MMBN clone
- remove PWR meter, replace with weapon queue
- remove power mechanics from player ship (only!)
- all player weapons are now ammo limited except pea shooter
- remove weapon drops
- implement fallback pea shooter
- implement turn timer (screen-height bar)
- replace per-frame CLR with rectfill (saves time)
- implement extremely crude prototype for weapon select intermezzo
- implement "deck"
- implement basic weapon cards
- implement starter deck
- stabilize this with just starter deck and sample level
3. add deckbuilder mechanics
- implement post-encounter "get a card"
- implement deck lister
- implement more cards, mini-encounters for deck buildup
- implement card levels?
- implement card removal (shop?)
4. make it a real game
- actually design a branching encounter sequence
- map
- "minimap"/scanner on weapon picker
- high score board (difficulty x time)
- difficulty increase system
- as much more crap as I can fit in under the token limit, which is probably not much at this point
5. this is just futile isn't it
- give up and move to TIC-80 because the token limits